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Re: Beautiful Math for Pier

Posted by espin on Nov 02, 2010; 1:48pm
URL: https://forum.world.st/Beautiful-Math-for-Pier-tp3022170p3023714.html

Hi Lukas,
PRMath does not require any LaTeX installation, all rendering is performed by MathJax
(written in Javascript...sponsored by American Mathematical Sociaty among aothers...)

The addon you mention probably allows to compile a (dvi/)pdf from a BOBook, I think,
while PRMath is just an exercise for myself to understand your post on "Extending the Pier
Parser" [1]...and with the following code it will integrate well (even if incompletely, i.e. lack
of \label{}) with BOLatexXYZZY

BOLatexWriter>>visitMath: anObject

        stream nextPutAll: anObject class markupBegin.
        stream nextPutAll: anObject text.
        stream nextPutAll: anObject class markupEnd.


[1] http://www.lukas-renggli.ch/blog/extendingpierparser