Re: how to serialize Text?
Posted by
Schwab,Wilhelm K on
Feb 13, 2011; 4:46pm
Object readFrom:( Text fromString:'Hello' ) storeString
You might also have a look at SIXX. I have not used it for anything big or for a long period of time, but no complaints so far, other than the output being more verbose than I might like. Still, it seems to be a good serializer.
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[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Hilaire Fernandes [
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Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2011 10:53 AM
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Subject: [Pharo-project] how to serialize Text?
I don't understand much the protocole with Text and if it is possible to
serialize it.
I can save a Text in a stream:
stream := ReadWriteStream on: String new.
myText storeOn: stream.
But how to use the stream to create a new Text instance:
The stream contents looks like:
Text string: ''absd Hello with me
c'' runs: (RunArray runs: #(5 5 6 2 2 ) values: ((Array new: 5)...
I guess it is a trivial situation but I don't know how to do it
Any clue?
Education 0.2 --