Re: 4.0 install fails
Posted by
Nick Payne-2 on
Nov 27, 2000; 8:52am
I also ran MSIEXEC /i dolphinsmalltalkprofessional.msi /le dolphin4.log, to
force logging of all error messages, reproduced the error, and *nothing* was
written to the error log, so it looks as though the error message is not
coming from the installer itself...
"Nick Payne" <
[hidden email]> wrote in message
[hidden email]...
> I'm trying to install DolphinSmalltalkProfessional.msi on a Sony notebook
> (Celeron 333, 128Mb RAM) running Windows 2000 SP1. I go through the
> install screens to agree to the license and select the install location,
> at the point where the dialog with progress bar for the file copying
> appears, I get a dialog containing Try Again and Cancel buttons and with
> text "The system cannot open the device or file specified". Try Again gets
> nowhere - the dialog just appears again and again until I select Cancel.
> I had a look in MS Technet and there is only one reference to this message
> text as one of the NT4 Terminal Server error messages, with no explanation
> of what it actually means.
> Any suggestions on things to try to enable me to install Dolphin 4?
> Nick