On Sat, Mar 26, 2011 at 5:34 PM, Scott Wallace
<[hidden email]> wrote:
On Mar 26, 2011, at 11:01 AM, Ricardo Moran wrote:
> foundPlayer := ActiveWorld presenter reallyAllExtantPlayersNoSort
> detect: [:p |(p costume externalName = 'Cat') and: [p costume isInWorld]]
> ifNone: [nil].
> foundPlayer ifNotNil:
> [ <proceed to do something to or with foundPlayer...> ]
> Wouldn't that be equivalent to my script?
> (World findDeepSubmorphThat: [:each | each player externalName = aString] ifAbsent: []) player
Hi, Ricardo,
Yes, you're right. Sorry that I'd lost sight of the earlier history of this thread...
However, the "player" of most morphs is nil, so "each player externalName" will often generate an error. Instead, since it's really the morph and not the player that bears the "externalName" anyway, a bulletproofed improvement might be:
foundMorph := World findDeepSubmorphThat: [:each | (each externalName = aString) and: [each player notNil]] ifAbsent: [nil].
foundMorph ifNotNil:
[foundPlayer := foundMorph player.
< proceed to do something to or with foundPlayer...> ]
That's much better. IMHO, for what Steve is trying to do, it might be good to add this snippet to the Player class, maybe in the form of:
withExternalName: aString do: aBlock
| foundMorph |
foundMorph := World findDeepSubmorphThat: [:each | each externalName = aString and: [each player notNil]]
ifAbsent: [nil].
ifNotNil: [aBlock value: foundMorph player]
So that he could write, from a script:
Player withExternalName: 'Cat' do: [:cat | cat forward: 5].
And this way we can hide the ugly code away...
Of course, I'm not in favor of polluting the Player class but if Steve finds it useful I guess one more method wouldn't hurt :)
-- Scott