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Re: [Localization] Traducción.es- Etoys: Morph/Sketch [era: [Sur] Wiki page para definiciones de traducciones al español]

Posted by Gustavo Ibarra on Jun 02, 2011; 4:25am
URL: https://forum.world.st/Traduccion-es-Etoys-Morph-Sketch-era-Sur-Wiki-page-para-definiciones-de-traducciones-al-espa-ol-tp3567071p3567554.html

> Gustavo,
> First please excuse my replying in English, but I want to express
> myself clearly and it is my native language.

Cris, no hay problema, lo importante es comunicarnos y entendernos.
La forma es solo un detalle.
Bienvenido el spanglish !

i continue below...y tratare de hacerlo en mi ingles (is not good, i
ask for help)

> 1) How to harmonize the meaning of the term "Morphs" in eToys?  I have
> no specific recommendation on what term to use, I will leave that to
> the native speakers and those more familiar with eToys. I am very
> grateful that you are taking great care with the context issue I
> mention in the Waveplace directions.
> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Translation_Team/Pootle_Projects#Waveplace_Lessons

En el anterior correo me olvide de agregar la url en el pootle
El contexto es muy importante, sobre todo en los manuales o guías de usuario
De todas maneras para la palabra Morphs en pootle encontré distintas
traducciones para una misma palabra.

In the email i sent before forgot the url in the pootle
The context is very important, moreover in the handbooks and the user guides
Anyway, respecting to the word Morphs in pootle I found different
translations for the same word



> Specifically the second direction to reference the eToys PO file for
> eToys-specific terms.  I believe that a discussion among native
> speakers will yield the best result and I also think the wiki page
> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Traducciones_espa%C3%B1ol

Si, es la idea!. Así sera

Yes, that the idea. It wil be done in that way

> 2) What is the best way to identify such inconsistencies in large
> multi-PO projects?  Downloading the PO files and using the poconflicts
> tool from the Translate Toolkit can find these sorts of conflicts
> systematically, and using the search function of Pootle can find
> individual terms.
> http://translate.sourceforge.net/wiki/toolkit/poconflicts
> 3) What tools exist to make it easier for localizers to share such
> terminology consensus between PO files on the Pootle server within a
> given language?  The Terminology project in Pootle is one such tool.
> The current glossary.po file is old and needs updating.  Now that
> eToys has split into mulitple PO files it would be feasible to produce
> a separate glossary for eToys, which I have already discussed with
> Bert Freudenberg.
> glossary.po files can be generated using the poterminology tool
> http://translate.sourceforge.net/wiki/toolkit/poterminology
> It takes some experimentation to strike the right balance between too
> many terms and too few terms (based on the number of times they appear
> in different PO files), but it makes sense to have a separate glossary
> for eToys which will pick up eToys-specific terms that are repeated
> across PO files.  I will generate a few possible glossary files and
> share them with the L10n and eToys list to request feedback on which
> is best.

Tendré en cuenta estos dos puntos (1 y 2). Gracias por tu respuesta!!!

I wil consider these two  points ( 1 and 2) Thank you for your answer!

> cjl

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