Re: New glossary options for eToys
Posted by
Chris Leonard on
Jun 04, 2011; 2:00am
Attachments failed to clear list size limits. Files can be found here: Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 9:41 PM, Chris Leonard <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Dear Localizers and eToys developers,
> Please review the attached PO files and express an opinion of which
> would be most suitable as a new glossary for the eToys project.
> Please carefully weigh the balance between more terms included in the
> glossary (higher coverage) and the burden of localizing a bigger
> glossary.
> etoys_new-templates has 31 files, 5103 strings and 30029 words
> etoys_glossary3.po (terms must occur in three different eToys PO files)
> etoys_glossary4.po (terms must occur in four different eToys PO files)
> etoys_glossary5.po (terms must occur in five different eToys PO files)
> Command:
> poterminology -o etoys_glossary3.po --progress=verbose
> --inputs-needed=3 --term-words=7 etoys_new-templates
> Result:
> etoys_glossary3.po has 738 strings, 1022 words
> Command:
> poterminology -o etoys_glossary4.po --progress=verbose
> --inputs-needed=4 --term-words=7 etoys_new-templates
> Result:
> etoys_glossary4.po has 417 strings, 498 words
> Command:
> poterminology -o etoys_glossary5.po --progress=verbose
> --inputs-needed=5 --term-words=7 etoys_new-templates
> Result:
> etoys_glossary5.po has 257 strings, 288 words
> cjl
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