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Re: Etoys: Etoys-kfr.80.mcz

Posted by Steve Thomas on Jul 17, 2011; 3:12am
URL: https://forum.world.st/Etoys-Etoys-kfr-80-mcz-tp3672520p3672819.html


I like the addition of instruments when we make a sound, but what I was thinking of is that you could specify the instrument that played when the scripting tile "play frequency of | 880" (from the sound category in the viewer) fired.


On Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 5:58 PM, <[hidden email]> wrote:
Karl Ramberg uploaded a new version of Etoys to project Etoys:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Etoys-kfr.80
Author: kfr
Time: 16 July 2011, 11:57:47 pm
UUID: 1a404ea7-fb11-be42-96c1-74b2cf326b7d
Ancestors: Etoys-kfr.79

Adds choices to play instrument sounds


=============== Diff against Etoys-kfr.79 ===============

Item was changed:
 ----- Method: TileMorph>>soundChoices (in category 'misc') -----
+       "Answer a list of sound choices. This applies only
+       to tiles that have sound-names as their literals,
+       viz. SoundTiles and SoundReadoutTiles."
-       "Answer a list of sound choices.  This applies only to tiles that have sound-names as their literals, viz. SoundTiles and SoundReadoutTiles."
       | aList |
+       aList := SoundService default sampledSoundChoices asOrderedCollection.
+       aList
+               removeAllFoundIn: (ScriptingSystem soundNamesToSuppress copyWithout: literal).
+       aList addAll: AbstractSound soundNames contents.
-       aList _ SoundService default sampledSoundChoices asOrderedCollection.
-       aList removeAllFoundIn: (ScriptingSystem soundNamesToSuppress copyWithout: literal).
       ^ aList asSortedArray!

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