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Re: Is RPackage dead?

Posted by Stéphane Ducasse on Oct 30, 2011; 2:23pm
URL: https://forum.world.st/Is-RPackage-dead-tp3947548p3953174.html

I will check and take some notes to see what should be done so that we can remove package info and packageOrganizer and use instead Rpackage and RpackageOrganizer.
It means that I will have to implement the matching semantics because monticello will ask to classes their categories via package info.
RPackage is not related to categories so this is the problem.
And to me this makes the system more complex.


> Hi,
> On 28 Oct 2011, at 21:30, Lukas Renggli wrote:
>>> Actually, I really do not understand what the issue is. We said from the very beginning that the strategy is the following:
>>> Stage 1: Get RPackage in the image and pretend that it acts like a smart cache for categories. Everything is expressed in terms of categories and mirrored in RPackage. Tools can now be built on top of RPackage. At this stage, no modification is needed and the new tools will work next to the old ones.
>> If this works like this then that would be perfect, but I had a
>> different impression from the mail ("yes people will have to change
>> the configurations" and "does not tell me that this is easy but
>> propose a real plan to get towards a solution"). To make RPackage
>> usable there is the need to have both ways work simultaneously and
>> transparently together for some time. Similar to how this was done
>> with the transition of underscore assignments ...
> For all practical purposes, every change in the base system is reflected in RPackage. This was the point of the SystemAnnouncement. What does not work yet is the mechanism of having modifications at the level of RPackage reflected in categories. There are two ways around this:
> 1. Have tools take care to only affect categories and not RPackage directly, and only read from RPackage.
> 2. Build an intermediary support for this sole purpose.
> I think both are doable. Perhaps we can start from 1. and generalize a layer for 2.
> Cheers,
> Doru
>> Lukas
>> --
>> Lukas Renggli
>> www.lukas-renggli.ch
> --
> www.tudorgirba.com
> "If you interrupt the barber while he is cutting your hair,
> you will end up with a messy haircut."