Posted by
Tudor Girba-2 on
Jan 01, 2012; 10:51pm
Oh, right.
I only provided the code for rendering, but it does not work when you execute it :).
The problem is that The MAContainerMorph does some morph removing magic that does not work with the GeneralScrollPane. So, I am replacing it with a MASilentContainerMorph. It's hack-ish, but it works. I would actually be interested in a cleaner solution.
Also, I did not provide a good model for the description.
model := MooseModel root allModels first allClasses first "or your code".
description := FAMIXClass asMooseDescription asMagritteDescriptionWithAnnotations "or your code".
(description morphClass = MAContainerMorph)
ifTrue: [description morphClass: MASilentContainerMorph].
magritteMorph := (description asMorphOn: model) addButtons; morph.
scrollPane := GeneralScrollPane new.
scrollPane changeScrollerTableLayout.
scrollPane scrollTarget: magritteMorph.
scrollPane layoutFrame: (LayoutFrame fractions: (0 @ 0 corner: 1 @ 1)).
scrollPane openInWindow
On 1 Jan 2012, at 23:27, Sean P. DeNigris wrote:
> Tudor Girba-2 wrote
>> Here is the code from the rendering in Glamour:
> With this approach:
> morph := anAddress asMorph
> addButtons;
> morph.
> scrollPane := GeneralScrollPane new.
> scrollPane changeScrollerTableLayout.
> scrollPane scrollTarget: morph.
> scrollPane layoutFrame: (LayoutFrame fractions: (0 @ 0 corner: 1 @ 1)).
> scrollPane openInWindow
> I got an emergency evaluator when I clicked "Save":
> SubscriptOutOfBounds: 1
> 1 January 2012 5:24:26 pm
> VM: Mac OS - intel - 1072 - Croquet Closure Cog VM [CoInterpreter
> VMMaker-oscog-EstebanLorenzano.139] 21.0
> Image: Pharo1.3 [Latest update: #13320]
> Array(Object)>>errorSubscriptBounds:
> Receiver: #()
> Arguments and temporary variables:
> index: 1
> Receiver's instance variables:
> #()
> Array(Object)>>at:
> Receiver: #()
> Arguments and temporary variables:
> index: 1
> Receiver's instance variables:
> #()
> Array(SequenceableCollection)>>first
> Receiver: #()
> Arguments and temporary variables:
> Receiver's instance variables:
> #()
> GeneralScrollPane>>scrollTarget
> Receiver: a GeneralScrollPane(440139776)
> Arguments and temporary variables:
> Receiver's instance variables:
> bounds: 50@139 corner: 686@431
> owner: a SystemWindow(908591104)
> submorphs: an Array(a TransformWithLayoutMorph(445382656))
> fullBounds: 50@139 corner: 686@431
> color: Color transparent
> extension: a MorphExtension (222822400) [other: (myDependents -> a
> DependentsA...etc...
> scroller: a TransformWithLayoutMorph(445382656)
> hScrollbar: a GeneralScrollBar(471334912)
> vScrollbar: a GeneralScrollBar(237240320)
> --
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