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commits-2 on
Mar 16, 2012; 9:16pm
Karl Ramberg uploaded a new version of MorphicExtras to project Etoys: Summary ====================
Name: MorphicExtras-kfr.66
Author: kfr
Time: 16 March 2012, 10:16:12 pm
UUID: 3c6e419b-67c2-e345-afc4-c121baabc0f4
Ancestors: MorphicExtras-kfr.65
Fix vertical resize of supplies flap SQ-1046
=============== Diff against MorphicExtras-kfr.65 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: Flaps class>>newSuppliesFlapFromQuads:positioning:withPreviousEntries: (in category 'predefined flaps') -----
newSuppliesFlapFromQuads: quads positioning: positionSymbol withPreviousEntries: aCollection
"Answer a fully-instantiated flap named 'Supplies' to be placed at the bottom of the screen. Use #center as the positionSymbol to have it centered at the bottom of the screen, or #right to have it placed off near the right edge."
| aFlapTab aStrip aWidth sugarNavigator |
sugarNavigator _ Preferences sugarNavigator.
aStrip _ PartsBin newPartsBinWithOrientation: #leftToRight andColor: Color gray muchLighter from: quads withPreviousEntries: aCollection.
self twiddleSuppliesButtonsIn: aStrip.
aFlapTab _ (sugarNavigator ifTrue: [SolidSugarSuppliesTab] ifFalse: [FlapTab]) new referent: aStrip beSticky.
aFlapTab setName: 'Supplies' translated edge: (sugarNavigator ifTrue: [#top] ifFalse: [#bottom]) color: Color red lighter.
aFlapTab position: (0 @ ActiveWorld sugarAllowance).
aFlapTab setBalloonText: aFlapTab balloonTextForFlapsMenu.
aFlapTab applyThickness: 20.
aWidth := ActiveWorld width.
aStrip extent: ActiveWorld width @ (76 * (1 + (1350 // aWidth))).
aStrip beFlap: true.
aStrip autoLineLayout: true.
+ aStrip vResizeToFit: true.
sugarNavigator ifTrue: [
aFlapTab useSolidTab.
aFlapTab height: 20; color: (Color r: 0.804 g: 0.804 b: 0.804).
] ifFalse: [
aFlapTab color: Color red lighter
^ aFlapTab
"Flaps replaceGlobalFlapwithID: 'Supplies' translated"!
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