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Re: Made with Amber

Posted by Denis Kudriashov on Mar 24, 2012; 7:51am
URL: https://forum.world.st/Made-with-Amber-tp4499613p4500952.html


How fast you develop this application?
How many developers and designers you have?

What you think about development time of your solution with another
technologies (ruby, php, java, seaside)?

2012/3/24, laurent laffont <[hidden email]>:

> On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 11:44 PM, Thierry Thelliez <
> [hidden email]> wrote:
>> Great!
>> What advantages have you seen with amber while developing this
>> application?
> Metadata (json) is loaded through ajax to build the book. Then the book
> browser is composed of several widgets that need to be synchronized. It
> handles embed and fullscreen views.
> The advantages of Amber are:
> - you develop in ONE tool: all the css, external js, smalltalk and raw js
> code written there. Easy (and live) integration with js librairies.
> - you can reload widgets individually and extend the application on the fly
> (thanks Smalltalk) - feedback cycle is far more shorter than traditional JS
> / JQuery development
> - SUNIT !!
> - Announcement means you can decouple code
> - Inspector and Debugger (though Amber debugger needs work to catch Pharo's
> one)
> - Easy to inline raw js when you need performance
> If you want to play with it, here some examples (click on "Feuilleter le
> livre" tab)
> -
> http://mediatheques.agglo-moulins.fr/agglo-moulins.fr/bib-numerique/notice/id/278/folio/MS_120_0011R
> -
> http://mediatheques.agglo-moulins.fr/agglo-moulins.fr/bib-numerique/notice/ido/D09030257
> -
> http://mediatheques.agglo-moulins.fr/agglo-moulins.fr/bib-numerique/notice/ido/D09030182
> The application is quite responsive. We actually have more server loading
> problems than client side.
> Laurent
>> Cheers,
>> Thierry