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Re: Made with Amber

Posted by laurent laffont on Mar 28, 2012; 8:08pm
URL: https://forum.world.st/Made-with-Amber-tp4499613p4513508.html

Hi Denis,

note that the Amber application is the book viewer, only client side. Server side is written in PHP (no choice, integration in an existing product).

So I cannot compare the development time with PHP/Ruby/Java/Seaside.

IMO development process (ex: TDD, timeboxing, ...) has more impact on development time than technology. Amber enables TDD and quick feedback. So it's better than raw javascript or jQuery plugin development.


On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 8:51 AM, Denis Kudriashov <[hidden email]> wrote:

How fast you develop this application?
How many developers and designers you have?

What you think about development time of your solution with another
technologies (ruby, php, java, seaside)?

2012/3/24, laurent laffont <[hidden email]>:
> On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 11:44 PM, Thierry Thelliez <
> [hidden email]> wrote:
>> Great!
>> What advantages have you seen with amber while developing this
>> application?
> Metadata (json) is loaded through ajax to build the book. Then the book
> browser is composed of several widgets that need to be synchronized. It
> handles embed and fullscreen views.
> The advantages of Amber are:
> - you develop in ONE tool: all the css, external js, smalltalk and raw js
> code written there. Easy (and live) integration with js librairies.
> - you can reload widgets individually and extend the application on the fly
> (thanks Smalltalk) - feedback cycle is far more shorter than traditional JS
> / JQuery development
> - SUNIT !!
> - Announcement means you can decouple code
> - Inspector and Debugger (though Amber debugger needs work to catch Pharo's
> one)
> - Easy to inline raw js when you need performance
> If you want to play with it, here some examples (click on "Feuilleter le
> livre" tab)
> -
> http://mediatheques.agglo-moulins.fr/agglo-moulins.fr/bib-numerique/notice/id/278/folio/MS_120_0011R
> -
> http://mediatheques.agglo-moulins.fr/agglo-moulins.fr/bib-numerique/notice/ido/D09030257
> -
> http://mediatheques.agglo-moulins.fr/agglo-moulins.fr/bib-numerique/notice/ido/D09030182
> The application is quite responsive. We actually have more server loading
> problems than client side.
> Laurent
>> Cheers,
>> Thierry