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Re: [ANN] Oniguruma for VisualWorks

Posted by Kazuki Minamitani on May 07, 2012; 12:11am
URL: https://forum.world.st/ANN-Oniguruma-for-VisualWorks-tp4612220p4613776.html

Oniguruma engine takes perl-compatible regular expressions and some extensions.
So you can use 'quantifier' , 'match group' , 'named match group', etc.

'http://code.google.com/p/oniguruma-visualworks/' matchesRegex:
  "==> true"

'2012/05/06' matchesRegex: '(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)'.
  "==> true"

"Oniguruma for VisualWorks"
"match groups"
match1 := 'http://code.google.com/p/oniguruma-visualworks/' matchReg:
match1 captures "==>  #('http' 'code.google.com' '/p/oniguruma-visualworks/')"

"match groups with quantifier"
match2 := '2012/05/06' matchReg: '(\d{1,4})/(\d{1,2})(\d{1,2})'.
match2 captures "==> #('2012' '0' '5')"

"named match groups"
match3 := '2012/05/06' matchReg:
match3 captures "==> #('2012' '0' '5')"
match3 atName: #year. "==> '2012'"
match3 atName: #month. "==> '05'"
match3 atName: #day. "==> '06'"

I refered ruby1.9 regexp api and testcases.
I recommend ruby examples and oniguruma ruby-syntax.

Thank you for your interest.

2012/5/7  <[hidden email]>:

> For those of us who are ignorent and naïf about the possible benefits of
> using Oniguruma. Would you be so kind as to explain in a few words what we
> can achieve with it ?
> Googling and Wikipedia are not really explicit.
> Thanks in advance.
> @+Maarten,
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Kazuki Minamitani" <[hidden email]>
> Sent: Sunday, 6 May, 2012 13:17
> To: [hidden email]
> Subject: Re: [vwnc] [ANN] Oniguruma for VisualWorks
> I uploaded just before.
> Please download from here.
> http://code.google.com/p/oniguruma-visualworks/downloads/list
> Regards
> 2012/5/6 Björn Eiderbäck <[hidden email]>:
>> I can't find libonigvw.dylib. There is no downloads at the project's
>> home...
>> Best regards
>> Björn
>> On Sun, May 6, 2012 at 3:51 AM, Kazuki Minamitani <[hidden email]>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have published 'Oniguruma-Regexp' to the Public Store Repository.
>>> It is a wrapper library of Oniguruma.
>>> Oniguruma is a regular expression library which is standard with Ruby
>>> 1.9.
>>> This library needs DLL/CC.
>>> Dynamic link libraries are here:
>>> http://code.google.com/p/oniguruma-visualworks/
>>> Thanks
>>> --
>>> Kazuki Minamitani
>>> [hidden email]
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> --
> Kazuki Minamitani
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Kazuki Minamitani
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