Re: [JIRA] Commented: (SQ-1076) Show eyedropper cursor when mouse goes down in a modeless color picker
Posted by
Bert Freudenberg on
Jun 25, 2012; 7:30pm
On 2012-06-25, at 19:32, Karl Ramberg (JIRA) wrote:
> [ ]
> I did the test and found no difference with the use of showTemporaryCursor:hotSpotOffset:
> I tested some more and it seems I gave wrong reason before.
> Big cursor is causing this error.
> When I turn off big cursor just the colorPicker show.
> It must be a bug in big cursor prim on windows.
I added a possible workaround to the bug report. It makes sure the small blank cursor is shown even when the bigCursor pref is on.
- Bert -
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