FW: [EtoysIllinois] Software created by UI used in Champaign schools - The Daily Illini : Campus: etoys, office for mathematics, science and technology education, etoysillinois, champaign unit 4 schools, kathleen harness
Posted by
Harness, Kathleen on
Oct 26, 2012; 8:28pm
URL: https://forum.world.st/FW-EtoysIllinois-Software-created-by-UI-used-in-Champaign-schools-The-Daily-Illini-Campus-etoys-offis-tp4653070.html
I thought you might enjoy reading this article about Etoys and the Etoys Pilot in Unit 4 Schools. Sadly, the person who wrote the headline has incorrectly attributed the software to the University of Illinois. The reporter has the facts correct in the article
but the headline editor must not have read the article well. I have sent a note asking for a correction to be published, but that is never the same, is it. My apologies to all the developers.
It is, however, great publicity for our pilot of Etoys in Champaign middle schools. I heard today that the city newspaper is doing interviews for an article and a local TV station has started filming for a story too.
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Subject: [EtoysIllinois] Software created by UI used in Champaign schools - The Daily Illini : Campus: etoys, office for mathematics, science and technology education, etoysillinois, champaign unit 4 schools, kathleen harness
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