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Re: [ANN] Magma 1.4

Posted by Chris Muller-4 on Dec 29, 2012; 3:54pm
URL: https://forum.world.st/ANN-Magma-1-4-tp4661159p4661264.html

The MC history.  For past Magma releases, there were new features but
for this release all the "features" are simply things to make apps run
better; like now if two clients change the same object, it won't be a
commit-conflict if they changed it exactly the same way.  Another is a
timeout stretch -- where the timeout is temporarily doubled for each
successive retry, so that if an app has just one large read/commit
that takes just over the timeout, it won't require fiddling with
timeout period..

But you can see these type of new features bogs down the press-release
with excruciating detail.  That's the nature of the release and so
that's why I refer

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 6:50 AM, Milan Mimica <[hidden email]> wrote:

> So where is the changelog?
> On 28 December 2012 23:13, Chris Muller <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> cc: Magma list
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Chris Muller <[hidden email]>
>> Date: Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 3:53 PM
>> Subject: [squeak-dev] [ANN] Magma 1.4
>> To: squeak dev <[hidden email]>
>> I am pleased to announce the release of Magma 1.4 for Squeak 4.4.
>> Magma is a database for Squeak that allows complex domain models to be
>> developed with virtually no regard for persistence issues.  Said
>> models can run entirely in memory without Magma even loaded in the
>> image or, by loading Magma, the size of the domain model can exceed
>> the size of RAM and be simultaneously accessed and updated by multiple
>> clients over a network with ACID properties.  Further, by copying the
>> database files to another machine on same network and starting a
>> server on them, uninterrupted 24x7 service is gained automatically --
>> either server can go down at any time and will be automatically sync'd
>> from the other when restarted.
>> Magma regards data-integrity as a top priority.  My oldest critical
>> database still running today was "born" in 2004 and has survived major
>> domain refactorings, 8 years of Magma upgrades, two hard-drive crashes
>> and several power-outages.  By hashing the contents of every commit,
>> and writing them atomically to disk (among other security measures),
>> Magma is an ultra-safe place to develop and store mission-critical
>> objects.  Correct mcz versions of domain code can be co-located in the
>> same repository as the model it runs, ensuring full application
>> recoverability even in the worst circumstances.
>> I've learned that transparent persistence is a complex problem that,
>> IMO, only a mature framework can deliver in a mature way.  Magma 1.4
>> brings heightened levels of stability, robustness and performance over
>> its predecessor.  Applications just run better, faster, with better
>> memory management, usability and performance.  The change-log has all
>> of the gory details.  This, combined with the recent release of Cog
>> 2640, IMO, makes Squeak+Magma a fantastic platform.
>> PS - Even if you don't use Magma for persistence in your own
>> applications, simply starting an empty database and copying all of
>> your mcz's to it allows the Squeak IDE to show all "mc versions" and
>> the "mc origin" of any method as options on the methods menu, very
>> nice for general development.
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> --
> Milan Mimica
> http://sparklet.sf.net
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