Re: TxTextMorph based on new text model
Posted by
Denis Kudriashov on
Jan 23, 2013; 7:28pm
2013/1/23 Sean P. DeNigris
<[hidden email]>
Denis Kudriashov wrote
> I upload new version of TxText with new TxTextMorph
Denis, thank you for taking this on! This is /so/ important. There are many
times in my experiments with reinventing the tools when I've gotten confused
and frustrated by the way text / editors work and chosen to revert to a more
standard way of doing things.
Same for me :)
Two things:
1. Have you read about the experiments from VPRI? There is even an active
essay where you can see each rule being applied individually
I don't. Do you have link?
2. Have you considered growth as text is typed in? The current "hold the
width and grow down" approach is very poor in certain applications. There
was a "growable" version that increased to a maximum length, but it was very
hacky due to the complexity of hooking into the existing objects. My point
is, it would be great to be able to plugin different strategies here.
I really want it too. And I think it is already exists.There are two layout strateges: TxNativeTextLayoutStrategy (renamed from Simple) and TxWrapTextStrategy. First gives text autosize behaviour. TxTextMorph increases width accordingly to text line growth. Second strategy restricts visible text line by morph width. So morph can increase only height and text lines are wrapped by given restriction. It is easy to implement strategy which will wrap text by max line characters count.
But now all stuff is just about text displaying. No editing, no selection and no cursor navigation yet. I will try make it real step by step. Be free to join me :)
Thanks for tackling this urgent and complicated topic!
And thank's Igor and Camillo. They start this project.
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