Applying changesets to selected images only
Posted by
K K Subbu on
Jun 23, 2013; 5:48am
How does one apply a changeset to only a few installations of Etoys in
use in the field on machines with diverse OS (Linux/Mac/Win)?
Suzanne Guyader uses Etoys to teach art to children and teachers not all
of whom use XO. The brush sizes in Paint tool needs to be reverted to
1/3/7/13/26/50 for non-XO images only. I have attached a changeset that
I created for this purpose but I don't know how to roll it out on
diverse machines.
I suppose I could create a command line script that applies this
changeset and updates the image/changeset files but the steps involved
are too complex for children. Is there any easy way?
TIA .. Subbu
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