First#tellAllIncomingConnections: aMessageSelector and #tellAllOutgoingConnections: aMessageSelectorare just the first level connectors directly connected to the morph in question. Its one level deep.
You can look atPlayer>>tellAllSuccessors: aMessageSelectorIf you changeself costume successors do:toself costume allSuccessors do:you get a graph of all the morphs successors to the morphThis is IMO a bug. It says tellAllSuccessors but tells only the first node in the successor graph.Same goes for tellAllPredecessors:KarlOn Sat, Sep 14, 2013 at 10:45 PM, Lawson English <[hidden email]> wrote:
I'll try again:
I have 19 Connectors nodes showing in my project.
There are 19 x 18 connectors -a fully connected graph.
I want to be able to easily tell all connectors to hide using Etoys scripting. I already know how to do this with Squeak, but it isn't obvious at all how to make it work with etoys, despite the existence of a scripting option "tellAllIncomingConnections" and "tellAllOutgoingConnections"
I can't figure it out.
I've dropped down into the System browser and looked at the Smalltalk code for
#tellAllIncomingConnections: aMessageSelector
#tellAllOutgoingConnections: aMessageSelector
"Send the given message selector to all the players of the receiver's costume's outgoing connections"
self costume outgoingConnections do:
[:m |
m playerRepresented ifNotNilDo:
[:p | p performScriptIfCan: aMessageSelector]]
I've even tried putting ^#hide into the script.
Is this aspect of Connectors + Etoys broken or am I missing something?
I can specify a SPECIFIC Connector to hide, but I have potentially 19 x 18 or even 256 x 255 of them to work with, so obviously this isn't an option.
Do I have to go with my incredibly cumbersome code I worked out in my Squeak youtube tutorials and stick that into a script, instead?
Squeak from the very start (introduction to Squeak and Pharo Smalltalk for the (almost) complete and compleate beginner).
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