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Re: etoys-dev Digest, Vol 87, Issue 1

Posted by Charles Schultz on Nov 18, 2013; 9:08pm
URL: https://forum.world.st/Re-etoys-dev-Digest-Vol-87-Issue-1-tp4723232p4723234.html


That looks like a viable hack. :) It is my understanding that RPi can boot into a special, slimmed-down VM version just for Scratch. Is that not the case? For instance, when in Scratch, I cannot simply exit Scratch and go back to the desktop - quitting scratch issues a shutdown. Can I do the same for eToys? Part of it is that I do not fully understand how "boot to Scratch" works, so I would like to learn that if I can.

On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 3:02 PM, Pato Acevedo <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi Charles:

> First, let me say how I impressed with the various developement teams
> involved (RPi, Squeak, eToys, Scratch). You all are doing amazing work!
> I have been googling and am attempting to learn how to boot the Raspberry
> Pi directly into eToys just like the option for booting directly into
> Scratch. Surely there is a relatively easy way to do this, but since eToys
> is not yet deployed on the stock Raspbian image, it does not yet look like
> it has the official support on the RPi install team. I am very thankful
> that installing eToys is as easy as "apt-get install etoys" - that is so
> totally awesome! Now, how to boot directly into eToys?

May be this link help:


> As an aside, any idea why eToys is filed under "non-free" extensions for
> RPi?
> --
> Charles Schultz
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