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Re: TextModel and TextInputFieldModel font-size bug?

Posted by Benjamin Van Ryseghem (Pharo) on Feb 18, 2014; 9:54am
URL: https://forum.world.st/TextModel-and-TextInputFieldModel-font-size-bug-tp4744094p4744554.html

I think it’s time to open a bug entry :)


On 18 Feb 2014, at 03:18, Hernán Morales Durand <[hidden email]> wrote:

I confirm this issue using a vanilla Pharo 3.

PluggableTextFieldMorph new openInWindow

If you comment last line here it works


    textMorphClass := TextMorphForFieldView.
    super initialize.
"    self beDecrypted"

which makes me think. Why #beDecrypted? Are text morphs encrypted by default?
If not we are wasting cycles there. To me it sounds like you should decrypt when something was encrypted, not just in case.

However that does not resolve the issue with TextInputFieldModel.

2014-02-16 10:55 GMT-03:00 kmo <[hidden email]>:
When I create an interface in Spec with TextModel or TextInputFieldModel, the
font-size is tiny. Same behaviour in both Windows and Linux. Is this a bug
or have I missed something important?


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