Posted by
Johan Brichau-3 on
May 26, 2014; 4:44pm
Today, we had a security audit on a Seaside 3.0.10 application running in a GS stone with FastCGI behind nginx.
I have no idea what exactly they did to obtain this, but the system went unresponsive after the following error until I restarted the gems.
- a InternalError occurred (error 2261), The object with object ID 'Hannes_Alfvén' is corrupt. Reason: 'carrysize > 0 at end of utf8 decode'
- a TransactionError occurred (error 2249), Further commits have been disabled for this session because: 'CorruptObj error'. This session must logout.
- repeat last one
The stacks from the gem log are attached.
I am trying to trace what happened. Any clues?
----------- Internal FASTCGI ERROR Encountered: 2014-05-26T13:37:41.31612992286682+02:00
a InternalError occurred (error 2261), The object with object ID 'Hannes_Alfvén' is corrupt. Reason: 'carrysize > 0 at end of utf8 decode'
1 GRGemStonePlatform >> logError:title:shouldCommit: (envId 0) @2 line 4 [GsNMethod 7469480705]
2 GRGemStonePlatform >> logError:title: (envId 0) @2 line 3 [GsNMethod 7469494785]
3 WAFastCGIAdaptor >> internalServerErrorMessage: (envId 0) @20 line 14 [GsNMethod 9828254465]
4 [] in GRGemStonePlatform >> seasideProcessRequest:adaptor:resultBlock: (envId 0) @4 line 26 [GsNMethod 10506396161]
5 AbstractException >> _executeHandler: (envId 0) @3 line 8 [GsNMethod 1394121473]
6 AbstractException >> _signalFromPrimitive: (envId 0) @1 line 1 [GsNMethod 1360964097]
7 String >> decodeFromUTF8 (envId 0) @1 line 1 [GsNMethod 1064104705]
8 UTF8PrimitiveEncoding >> decode: (envId 0) @2 line 4 [GsNMethod 7470277121]
9 GRUtf8GemStoneCodec >> decode: (envId 0) @3 line 3 [GsNMethod 7468617985]
10 [] in WAUrl >> decodedWith: (envId 0) @3 line 17 [GsNMethod 9230396417]
11 SequenceableCollection >> collect: (envId 0) @9 line 16 [GsNMethod 1064183041]
12 WAUrl >> decodedWith: (envId 0) @22 line 17 [GsNMethod 8789933313]
13 WAFastCGIRequestConverter >> requestUrlFor: (envId 0) @6 line 4 [GsNMethod 9828231425]
14 WAServerAdaptor >> requestFor: (envId 0) @3 line 6 [GsNMethod 8790261761]
15 WAFastCGIRequestConverter >> requestFor: (envId 0) @12 line 7 [GsNMethod 9828215809]
16 WAFastCGIAdaptor >> requestFor: (envId 0) @2 line 4 [GsNMethod 9828250881]
17 WAServerAdaptor >> contextFor: (envId 0) @2 line 5 [GsNMethod 8790264577]
18 WAServerAdaptor >> process: (envId 0) @2 line 5 [GsNMethod 8790258433]
19 [] in WAFastCGIAdaptor >> process: (envId 0) @2 line 6 [GsNMethod 8794996737]
20 [] in GRGemStonePlatform >> seasideProcessRequestWithRetry:resultBlock: (envId 0) @2 line 13 [GsNMethod 10501067521]
21 ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0) @3 line 42 [GsNMethod 1064627457]
22 [] in GRGemStonePlatform >> seasideProcessRequestWithRetry:resultBlock: (envId 0) @14 line 14 [GsNMethod 10506395905]
23 ExecBlock >> ensure: (envId 0) @2 line 12 [GsNMethod 1064640769]
24 TransientRecursionLock >> critical: (envId 0) @11 line 12 [GsNMethod 6527748609]
25 GRGemStonePlatform >> seasideProcessRequestWithRetry:resultBlock: (envId 0) @3 line 5 [GsNMethod 10509761025]
26 [] in GRGemStonePlatform >> seasideProcessRequest:adaptor:resultBlock: (envId 0) @6 line 15 [GsNMethod 10506396417]
27 ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0) @3 line 42 [GsNMethod 1064627457]
28 GRGemStonePlatform >> seasideProcessRequest:adaptor:resultBlock: (envId 0) @3 line 23 [GsNMethod 10509761281]
29 WAFastCGIAdaptor >> process: (envId 0) @3 line 4 [GsNMethod 9828418049]
30 [] in WAFastCGIAdaptor >> answerResponderRole: (envId 0) @2 line 4 [GsNMethod 8795113729]
31 ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0) @3 line 42 [GsNMethod 1064627457]
32 WAFastCGIAdaptor >> answerResponderRole: (envId 0) @2 line 5 [GsNMethod 9828248321]
33 FSResponderRole >> answer (envId 0) @3 line 4 [GsNMethod 8854227457]
34 FSRole >> handleConnection (envId 0) @3 line 5 [GsNMethod 8854243329]
35 FSConnection >> unsafeServe (envId 0) @5 line 8 [GsNMethod 8853951745]
36 [] in FSConnection >> safeServe (envId 0) @2 line 8 [GsNMethod 9557561601]
37 ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0) @3 line 42 [GsNMethod 1064627457]
38 [] in FSConnection >> safeServe (envId 0) @2 line 9 [GsNMethod 9322044673]
39 ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0) @3 line 42 [GsNMethod 1064627457]
40 [] in FSConnection >> safeServe (envId 0) @2 line 12 [GsNMethod 9258731777]
41 ExecBlock >> ensure: (envId 0) @2 line 12 [GsNMethod 1064640769]
42 FSConnection >> safeServe (envId 0) @2 line 15 [GsNMethod 8853958913]
43 FSConnection >> serve (envId 0) @2 line 4 [GsNMethod 8853957889]
44 [] in FSSocketServer >> listen: (envId 0) @3 line 15 [GsNMethod 9261209601]
45 GsProcess >> _start (envId 0) @7 line 16 [GsNMethod 1403422977]
46 <Reenter marker>
----------- Internal FASTCGI LOG ENTRY: anArray-----------
----------- Internal FASTCGI ERROR Encountered: 2014-05-26T13:37:41.37823009490967+02:00
a TransactionError occurred (error 2249), Further commits have been disabled for this session because: 'CorruptObj error'. This session must logout.
1 GRGemStonePlatform >> logError:title:shouldCommit: (envId 0) @2 line 4 [GsNMethod 7469480705]
2 GRGemStonePlatform >> logError:title: (envId 0) @2 line 3 [GsNMethod 7469494785]
3 WAFastCGIAdaptor >> internalServerErrorMessage: (envId 0) @20 line 14 [GsNMethod 9828254465]
4 [] in GRGemStonePlatform >> seasideProcessRequest:adaptor:resultBlock: (envId 0) @4 line 26 [GsNMethod 10506396161]
5 AbstractException >> _executeOuterHandler: (envId 0) @3 line 7 [GsNMethod 1394117633]
6 AbstractException >> _pass:with: (envId 0) @4 line 13 [GsNMethod 1393936385]
7 AbstractException >> pass (envId 0) @2 line 14 [GsNMethod 1393935361]
8 [] in System class >> _localCommit: (envId 0) @2 line 34 [GsNMethod 5944183041]
9 AbstractException >> _executeHandler: (envId 0) @3 line 8 [GsNMethod 1394121473]
10 AbstractException >> _signalFromPrimitive: (envId 0) @1 line 1 [GsNMethod 1360964097]
11 System class >> _primitiveCommit: (envId 0) @1 line 1 [GsNMethod 1789434881]
12 System class >> __commit: (envId 0) @2 line 8 [GsNMethod 1789345025]
13 [] in System class >> _localCommit: (envId 0) @2 line 30 [GsNMethod 5944183297]
14 ExecBlock >> onException:do: (envId 0) @2 line 66 [GsNMethod 1064628225]
15 System class >> _localCommit: (envId 0) @8 line 31 [GsNMethod 1789345281]
16 TransactionBoundaryDefaultPolicy >> commit: (envId 0) @2 line 3 [GsNMethod 5986577665]
17 System class >> _commit: (envId 0) @7 line 16 [GsNMethod 1789345537]
18 System class >> commitTransaction (envId 0) @5 line 7 [GsNMethod 1789402113]
19 System class >> _commitPrintingDiagnostics (envId 0) @2 line 8 [GsNMethod 1700522241]
20 SystemCommitTransaction >> defaultAction (envId 0) @2 line 3 [GsNMethod 7468825857]
21 AbstractException >> _signalWith: (envId 0) @5 line 25 [GsNMethod 1394122241]
22 AbstractException class >> signal (envId 0) @3 line 5 [GsNMethod 1172775681]
23 GRGemStonePlatform >> doCommitTransaction (envId 0) @4 line 3 [GsNMethod 7469481473]
24 [] in GRGemStonePlatform >> seasideProcessRequestWithRetry:resultBlock: (envId 0) @47 line 54 [GsNMethod 10506395905]
25 ExecBlock >> ensure: (envId 0) @2 line 12 [GsNMethod 1064640769]
26 TransientRecursionLock >> critical: (envId 0) @11 line 12 [GsNMethod 6527748609]
27 GRGemStonePlatform >> seasideProcessRequestWithRetry:resultBlock: (envId 0) @3 line 5 [GsNMethod 10509761025]
28 [] in GRGemStonePlatform >> seasideProcessRequest:adaptor:resultBlock: (envId 0) @6 line 15 [GsNMethod 10506396417]
29 ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0) @3 line 42 [GsNMethod 1064627457]
30 GRGemStonePlatform >> seasideProcessRequest:adaptor:resultBlock: (envId 0) @3 line 23 [GsNMethod 10509761281]
31 WAFastCGIAdaptor >> process: (envId 0) @3 line 4 [GsNMethod 9828418049]
32 [] in WAFastCGIAdaptor >> answerResponderRole: (envId 0) @2 line 4 [GsNMethod 8795113729]
33 ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0) @3 line 42 [GsNMethod 1064627457]
34 WAFastCGIAdaptor >> answerResponderRole: (envId 0) @2 line 5 [GsNMethod 9828248321]
35 FSResponderRole >> answer (envId 0) @3 line 4 [GsNMethod 8854227457]
36 FSRole >> handleConnection (envId 0) @3 line 5 [GsNMethod 8854243329]
37 FSConnection >> unsafeServe (envId 0) @5 line 8 [GsNMethod 8853951745]
38 [] in FSConnection >> safeServe (envId 0) @2 line 8 [GsNMethod 9557561601]
39 ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0) @3 line 42 [GsNMethod 1064627457]
40 [] in FSConnection >> safeServe (envId 0) @2 line 9 [GsNMethod 9322044673]
41 ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0) @3 line 42 [GsNMethod 1064627457]
42 [] in FSConnection >> safeServe (envId 0) @2 line 12 [GsNMethod 9258731777]
43 ExecBlock >> ensure: (envId 0) @2 line 12 [GsNMethod 1064640769]
44 FSConnection >> safeServe (envId 0) @2 line 15 [GsNMethod 8853958913]
45 FSConnection >> serve (envId 0) @2 line 4 [GsNMethod 8853957889]
46 [] in FSSocketServer >> listen: (envId 0) @3 line 15 [GsNMethod 9261209601]
47 GsProcess >> _start (envId 0) @7 line 16 [GsNMethod 1403422977]
48 <Reenter marker>
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