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Re: Julia vs Pharo

Posted by SergeStinckwich on Nov 17, 2014; 3:31pm
URL: https://forum.world.st/Julia-vs-Pharo-tp4790395p4790639.html

On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 2:56 PM, werner kassens <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>... What is missing in Pharo at the moment:
>>- multiple dispatch
>>- arbitrary precision float ...
> Hi Serge,
> there exists an arbitrary precision float package made by nicolas cellier:
> https://code.google.com/p/arbitrary-precision-float/wiki/ArbitraryPrecisionFloatForSqueakAndPharo

Great to know such a beast exist ;-)

> ok, its not builtin into pharo, but this is not really a problem, one uses
> those things more for crosschecking, where speed is not really a problem.
> re multiple dispatch, actually this was the first and most important thing i
> found missing when i discovered pharo ,squeak, smalltalk. otoh there exists
> a package that does this; if i remember correctly the name is helvetica. i
> read the papers about that package but never downloaded that package
> essentially for two reasons:
> - i'm a speed freak and feared this would slow down my programs too much. i
> thought this is something that should indeed be hard coded.
> - although, if  i remember correctly, this package _is downloadable, it was
> in a way deeply hidden in the internet (not in the usual places like
> smalltalkhub or squeaksource) as if the author did not really want it to be
> used by everybody for every task.

I never heard about this one.

Serge Stinckwich
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