I've tested your code in Squeak and found another bug (I should have been more careful when I read your code. Shame on me.)
In class Ball you have the methods
position: aPoint super position: aPoint. This does not set a value to your position variable in class Ball, but actually sets the upper-left corner of the bounds. You should have said position := aPoint. -------------------------------- The following now works in mySqueak image: EllipseMorph subclass: #Ball instanceVariableNames: 'position' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' "this part is needed in Squeak" category: 'ZZZtesting' drawOn: aCanvas self borderWidth:10; borderColor: Color green. super drawOn: aCanvas. position ^ position. position: aPoint position := aPoint.I then execute the following in a workspace
| aBall |
aBall := Ball new.
aBall position: ( 10@10 ).
aBall openInWorld.
and it seems to work. But closer scrutiny shows that it ignores your instance variable (position). when I move the ball around.
The reason is that EllipseMorph is a superclass of your Ball and cannot possibly know about an instance variable (position) that is defined in the subclass (Ball).
I ignored Ball>position since the EllipseMorph doesn't use it:
EllipseMorph subclass: #Ball
instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'ZZZtesting'
^ super position.
position: aPoint
super position: aPoint.
This looks better.
I you really want to replace the EllipseMorph>position you must go deeper into how the EllipseMorph handles its position and bounds . This will not be trivial. Much easier to invent a new instance variable and use it in the drawOn: method.
Good luck with your apprenticeship
On 05.02.2015 11:56, nacho wrote:
@Trygve I've checked and it doesn't work. I can't even bring the halo on to delete the morph. The debugger keeps popping. Thanks anyway to all Nacho ----- Nacho Smalltalker apprentice. Buenos Aires, Argentina. -- View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/Question-on-Morphic-drawOn-method-tp4803695p4803895.html Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
The essence of object orientation is that objects collaborate to achieve a goal.
Trygve Reenskaug [hidden email]
Morgedalsvn. 5A http://folk.uio.no/trygver/
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