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Re: Question on Morphic drawOn: method.

Posted by Stephan Eggermont-3 on Feb 06, 2015; 9:28am
URL: https://forum.world.st/Question-on-Morphic-drawOn-method-tp4803695p4804107.html

Hilaire wrote
>Read the Pharo by example Morphic chapter, it is written for beginner

The chapter is a good introduction. Also read the LaserGame Tutorial.

The problems come after that. What is a good way of distributing
responsibilities? How do I find which Morph already does (nearly)
what I need. There are 347 Morph subClasses in my currently
open image.

When I want to resize my Morph, should I be looking
at one of the AbstractResizerMorph subClasses, at  Halo or
perhaps at Handle? Or should I do it like PolygonMorph?
In the LaserGame, the whole game is one Morph (embedded in a
window with a few buttons).

I find it is possible to create very elegant solutions using
Morphic, and finding the right approach is difficult.
