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Re: Datatables

Posted by philippeback on Dec 05, 2015; 2:10pm
URL: https://forum.world.st/Datatables-tp4865269p4865488.html

I have used this datatable package in Seaside in my app.

owner: 'GastonDallOglio'
project: 'DataTables'
user: ''
password: ''

For the examples, looking at the Datatables JS API was helpful. The version was the older one.

You can use it like this (there is some bootstrap mixed in)

html tbsTable 
script: ((html jQuery new  dataTable) bFilter: false; bPaginate: false; bInfo: false); 
class: 'table-responsive'; 
with: [
html tableHead with: [ 
html tableHeading with: 'ID' seasideTranslated .
html tableHeading with: 'MAC' seasideTranslated . 
html tableHeading with: 'IP' seasideTranslated .
html tableHeading with: 'Status' seasideTranslated  

On Sat, Dec 5, 2015 at 9:09 AM, stepharo <[hidden email]> wrote:
You can use
    - Voyage to access MongoDB read the entreprise Pharo book
    - Garage for relational databases.


Le 4/12/15 15:58, Pablo R. Digonzelli a écrit :
Hi, I am interesting in using Datatables in a Seaside app.
I know there is wrapper fot this in StHub. Is there is examples how to use it?


Ing. Pablo Digonzelli
Software Solutions
IP-Solutiones SRL
Metrotec SRL
25 de Mayo 521
San Miguel de Tucumán
Email: [hidden email]
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Cel: 5493815982714