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Re: OSProcess command - non responding image when calling often

Posted by Mariano Martinez Peck on Jun 07, 2016; 1:26pm
URL: https://forum.world.st/OSProcess-command-non-responding-image-when-calling-often-tp4899540p4899667.html

Hi guys, 

I will try to answer many things at once: 

1) Sabine, OSSubprocess works for Unix derived, not only Linux, that includes OSX as well. 

2) Tierry,Sabine for the case of loosing signals, the most trustful solution (in OSSubprocess) is to rely on a delay pooling instead of on the child reaper (based on signals). I am talking exactly about this API: https://github.com/marianopeck/OSSubprocess#delay-based-polling-waiting

3) I found a problem/bug with waits and signals in Pharo 5.0 as reported here: https://pharo.fogbugz.com/f/cases/18359/Problem-with-DelayExperimentalSpinScheduler-and-delay.  That should also affect OSProcess. What I did in OSSubprocess v0.2.4 (https://github.com/marianopeck/OSSubprocess/tree/v0.2.4) is automatically set the mentioned workaround in the issue tracker. This may fix your issue. 

Hope any of this helps. Let us know.


On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 10:21 AM, Peter Uhnak <[hidden email]> wrote:
On Tue, Jun 07, 2016 at 01:22:04PM +0200, Thierry Goubier wrote:
> 2016-06-07 11:47 GMT+02:00 Peter Uhnak <[hidden email]>:
> > It's strange that I was using GitFileTree over OSProcess for a long time
> > without issue and yet every time I tried to use OSProcess directly I had
> > this locking up.
> >
> >
> Yes. This is a bit worrying; the low-level OSProcess call was a bit of a
> stopgap while waiting for either OSProcess or the vm to sort the underlying
> issue (which is more significant than just my use); that it locks up under
> normal use is not good and should be reported.
> I allways considered GitFileTree to be a heavy hitter on OSProcess, running
> hundreds of external commands to load a complex project, so that if I would
> lock up, it wouldn't be a normal pattern of use.
> >
> > > So I am asking polite to the pharo developers team if there are plans to
> > > provide a stable solution for calling external programs as described.
> > >
> > > My production system will be a windows system, so I need this for
> > windows,
> > > too.
> > > As far as I understand, the new OSSubprocess is (currently) only for
> > unix.
> >
> > Yes, there's ProcessWrapper for Windows.
> >
> > An alternative approach might be to use direct FFI calls, e.g.
> >
> > MyClass class>>system:
> >         system: command
> >         "Perform OS system() call."
> >
> >         ^ self ffiCall: #(int system #(char * command)) module: LibC
> >
> > And then you can do MyClass system: 'cp a.pdf b.pdf'.
> >
> > Although it still locks up my image from time to time… but at least order
> > of magnite less.
> >
> Than GitFileTree or OSProcess? Still, you get lockups... which isn't good.

No, GitFileTree never locked up my image. This was always my use.

