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Re: OSProcess command - non responding image when calling often

Posted by Sabine Manaa on Jun 08, 2016; 2:06pm
URL: https://forum.world.st/OSProcess-command-non-responding-image-when-calling-often-tp4899540p4899947.html

Hi Mariano,

ok, now I understand. But it is not clear to me, why
"Delay delaySchedulerClass: DelayMillisecondScheduler"

creates the locked image in my case.

With a new Pharo5 image, there is no lock.

I have to find out, what is causing this locks and report this to you, I hope tomorrow.


2016-06-08 15:58 GMT+02:00 Mariano Martinez Peck [via Smalltalk] <[hidden email]>:
As I said in a previous email I found out a bug in Pharo 5.0 related to delays. This affected OSSubprocess but could affect OSProcess as well. The workaround is setting ANOTHER kind of delay scheduler than the one that has the bug. I thought that the "locks" you were having could have been because of this issue. But if the workaround does not solve it, then the lockups you are having are because of another reason :(


On Wed, Jun 8, 2016 at 10:49 AM, Sabine Manaa <[hidden email]> wrote:
I dont understand

Am Mittwoch, 8. Juni 2016 schrieb Mariano Martinez Peck [via Smalltalk] :

On Wed, Jun 8, 2016 at 10:33 AM, Sabine Manaa <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Mariano,

yes, I tried this. It creates a non-responding image. I have to kill it.

Uhhh too bad :(  I thought we were talking about the same issue. 


2016-06-08 15:26 GMT+02:00 Mariano Martinez Peck [via Smalltalk] <[hidden email]>:

Did you test if the one-liner (Delay delaySchedulerClass: DelayMillisecondScheduler.)  fixes these lookups? 


On Wed, Jun 8, 2016 at 5:31 AM, Sabine Manaa <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Thierry, all,

you were right, it was not so complicated to write my own version for
calling an external program based on your Github code. It worked fine on
Pharo3+4 but on Pharo5 there are the locking problems described, also in
your code.

Until there is a decision if supporting windows in OSSubprocess or not and
until the locking problem is not solved, I go back to Pharo4. (I loose to
much time which I don't have).

I will miss the code critics :-)

Thank you all for your help.


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