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Re: understanding the DateTime instance creation API

Posted by GLASS mailing list on Jul 15, 2016; 7:58pm
URL: https://forum.world.st/understanding-the-DateTime-instance-creation-API-tp4906741p4906747.html

On 07/15/2016 12:37 PM, Paul DeBruicker via Glass wrote:
> Hi Dale,
> I pasted my testDt.st tode file below my name in my prior message.  If you
> run it you get two arrays with containing the DateTimes, their #hour, and
> the ISO8601 string.
haha, your message up to the signature fit exactly in the window in my
mail browser and didn't bother checking the scroll bar to see if there
was more:)

When I run your code I get the following:

1@       -> anArray( 15/07/2016 03:10:10, 3, '2016-07-15T03:10:10+0000')
2@       -> anArray( 15/07/2016 10:10:10, 10, '2016-07-15T10:10:10-0700')

Which I think is what you are expecting ... so there must be something
else going on? What is the timeZone for the machine that your stone is
run on?

Presumably this is where the bug is asserting itself ...


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