Cleaning up TimeZone class history
Posted by
GLASS mailing list on
Jul 16, 2016; 11:07pm
Hi -
In my stone I have ObsoleteTimeZone & ObsoleteTimeZone2 in the TimeZone class history of a stone I just updated to 3.3.1. The DataCurator user doesn't have permissions to migrate those classes apparently. And when I sign in as the SystemUser in linked Topaz the Smalltalk symbol is not understood.
To do the migration I'm running:
System abort.
System beginTransaction.
[ :className |
| c |
c := Smalltalk at: className.
c isBehavior
ifTrue: [
[ c classHistory size > 1 ]
whileTrue: [
(c classHistory at: 1) migrateInstancesTo: c classHistory currentVersion.
c classHistory removeVersion: (c classHistory at: 1) ] ] ]
value: #'TimeZone'.
System commitTransaction
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