This package has been developed for Swagger 1.2 support and it worked. It was and is part of our runtime. We generate code for it. It does not work with Swagger 2.0 any more and we had no need to fix that. In this way we generate a swagger.json for other languages. We never produced source code from an already available swagger.spec.
Actually we do not use Swagger any more directly - as we did in the first time of our development. The way we go now is: take the language specific runtime source code from swagger (1.2), change it according to our needs and produce code directly for that.
Hernán Morales Durand via Glass <[hidden email]> hat am 16. August 2016 um 05:43 geschrieben:_______________________________________________HernánCheersWhat I am trying to do is to generate a swagger.json spec (from an API provider role) given a Smalltalk Class or Package name.Hi,After trying to load it for a while in Pharo, I cannot resolve the dependencies (there is no Metacello Configuration). Also it seems to depend on specific versions of NeoJSON and Zinc packages.
I have found what seems to be an implementation of Swagger in Glass in MSKSwaggerSupport-MSK.48
Is that possible with such implementation? Any expression to try?
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