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Re: Travis CI and Stone question

Posted by BrunoBB on Sep 15, 2016; 7:26pm
URL: https://forum.world.st/Travis-CI-and-Stone-question-tp4911839p4915773.html


Sorry for bothering you again but after:
./run.sh -s GemStone-3.3.1 --gs-HOME=$GS_HOME $GS_HOME/shared/repos/OrbeonPersistenceLayer/.smalltalk.ston

The following error arise:
GemStone Server error: a UserDefinedError occurred (error 2318), reason:halt, filetree:// repository '/home/gemstone/GsDevKit_home/shared/repos/smalltalkCI/_builds/2016_09_14_20_18_00/GsDevKit_home/shared/repos/metacello-work/repository' does not exist.
Error on or near line 99 :: devKitCommandLine todeIt travis :: devKitCommandLine todeIt travis
Error on or near line 58 :: todeIt travis script --script=rebuildServerTode :: todeIt travis script --script=rebuildServerTode
Error on or near line 122 :: newExtent -t -s /home/gemstone/GsDevKit_home/shared/repos/smalltalkCI/_cache/gemstone/extents/3.3.1_extent0.tode.dbf travis :: newExtent -t -s /home/gemstone/GsDevKit_home/shared/repos/smalltalkCI/_cache/gemstone/extents/3.3.1_extent0.tode.dbf travis
Error on or near line 158 :: createStone -t /home/gemstone/GsDevKit_home/shared/repos/smalltalkCI/_cache/gemstone/extents/3.3.1_extent0.tode.dbf travis 3.3.1 :: createStone -t /home/gemstone/GsDevKit_home/shared/repos/smalltalkCI/_cache/gemstone/extents/3.3.1_extent0.tode.dbf travis 3.3.1
createStone failed.

I do not know why travis is using "2016_09_14_20_18_00" directory which is from yesterday. I removed all subdirectories from smalltalkCI/_builds and run again. But the errors persist :(

The message is correct "2016_09_14_20_18_00" directory does not exist.
But why travis is using this directory and not a new one ?
