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Re: SingleThread or Multithread Zinc server using ?

Posted by Paul DeBruicker on Oct 27, 2016; 5:36pm
URL: https://forum.world.st/SingleThread-or-Multithread-Zinc-server-using-tp4920361p4920427.html

Debugging Zinc internals is easier.  I'm not sure about other reasons.  

If you want more speed the FastCGI adapter is faster and I think the AJP adapter (http://www.squeaksource.com/ajp.html) is as well but haven't tested it.

I understand you're tied to Zinc-REST but maybe its worth adding REST capabilities to one of those.

GLASS mailing list wrote
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Any hints why should one would like to use the single thread answering zinc server instead og the multi threading server. Marten

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