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Re: createStone does not work anymore today ?

Posted by GLASS mailing list on Oct 31, 2016; 5:57pm
URL: https://forum.world.st/createStone-does-not-work-anymore-today-tp4920826p4920923.html


I need more of the log for context to really understand what might be happening ... The section between "Project: FFI stable[1.8]" and the end is required for me to know what is going on...

FFI is not used internally by GemStone, so I am suspicious that you didn't completely follow the installation instructions for GsDevKit_home ... namely skipping the installClientServer step --- but without additional information this is a wild guess ..


On 10/30/16 3:15 PM, Marten Feldtmann via Glass wrote:

I've just tested installation of Gemstone again and when executing createStone it holds with the following line:

Project: FFI stable[1.8]


and then aborts ....


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