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Does Zodiac port work on 3.2.x ?

Posted by GLASS mailing list on Jan 02, 2017; 8:40pm
URL: https://forum.world.st/Does-Zodiac-port-work-on-3-2-x-tp4928553.html

Hi Dale,

Does your Zodiac port work on GemStone  3.2.x? I see little info in https://github.com/GsDevKit/zodiac

Anyway, I am trying myself to see if it works and it took me some time to realize i should be using `gs_master` rather than `master`. A little explanation on the README would be nice:

Metacello new
baseline: 'Zodiac';
repository: 'github://GsDevKit/zodiac:master/repository';

While loading, I also had this popup with dependencies problems.

Even worst, I realized that what I wanted to use (ZdcSecureSMTPClient) is not there as it is a subclass of SMTPClient which is not in GemStone. 

So...let me ask..assuming Zodiac should work in 3.2.x is there a way to send SMTP with SSL/TSL from inside GemStone (no tunneling)? 

Thanks in advance, 


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