Re: Large collection and common practice
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GLASS mailing list on
Jan 03, 2017; 8:21pm
Hi Bruno,
Multiple sessions can feed an RC collection with reduced commit conflicts, but you don't always want to keep the objects in the RC collection. One common technique is to have a manager session dedicated to moving objects from RC collections into collections that can be accessed more efficiently. Design so that the manager is the only session that will be updating the collections (so that commit conflicts will not happen). The manager session can do polling for new items and you can add gem-to-gem signaling to wake the manager for more timely responses. The challenges with this kind of design are related to update timing between sessions. The process involves a commit to add to the RC collection, an abort for the manager session to see the objects, a commit by the manager to update the root collection (with RC collection removal, RcQueues are usually used BTW), and an abort by the original session if it needs to see the indexed item was added to the root collection. If there is timing sensitivity with this data then you'll likely resort to searching first in your indexeded collection and then also reviewing objects still in the queue waiting for the manager to process them.
A variation of the manager session technique is to send data to the manager session without doing a commit, this might be through communication between gems or by using session-specific file updates that the manager gem reads. Gem-to-gem signaling can be added to this approach later too if you need to improve timing. This variation can avoid the intermediate commit, but you'd still may need to #continueTransaction to see what the manager session updated.
I wonder what kind of indexing you would need besides ID. If you don't need to query for anything other than ID then a dictionary would be fine with the ID as key. A dictionary can even use a key that is a custom object that redefines equality and hash from attributes of what is searched for. Merkle tree hashes might also be used as a way to test if some attribute is contained, but that is a bit advanced to go into. Another advanced item that I once implemented was a custom Dictionary where the key was derived from the value by behavior (it was more efficient because it avoided the cost of Association creation). So many cool tricks, I loved working with GS/S.
Paul Baumann
Glass mailing list
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