Posted by
GLASS mailing list on
Jan 04, 2017; 2:07pm
Is there any measure of from what size a Dictionary could have this
problem ? Maybe it also depends in the length of the key...
(if the problem arise from 1.000.000 entries in a dictionary --> is not
a problem for me right now)
The keys of my Dictionary is an UUID like:
At this stage i think i will use 2 Rc collections (one dictionary + one
bag) in the future maybe this approach has to be changed...
For now i will keep it simple !
El 03/01/2017 a las 17:46, Dale Henrichs escribió:
> As the size of the collections gets very large, you have to keep in
> mind that Dictionary-based structures have to be rebuilt periodically
> to keep the collision bucket size manageable and some of the
> dictionaries like RcKeyValueDictionary will rebuild automatically on
> insertion and depending upon the size of the dictionary that could
> lead to long and unpredictable delays for end users ... the btree
> structures used in GemStone indexes do splits and merges on individual
> leaf nodes limiting the cost of insertions ...
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