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Re: Smalltalk Internet Browser

Posted by philippeback on Apr 30, 2017; 7:56am
URL: https://forum.world.st/Smalltalk-Internet-Browser-tp4944879p4944927.html

An interesting way would rather do something like electron.


In fact, I would even go so far as to add Pharo to electron.


On Sun, Apr 30, 2017 at 1:34 AM, nacho <[hidden email]> wrote:
Did you tried Amber?
Is Smalltalk on the browser.
I believe that what you mean is embedding the V8 engine into Pharo. But man, thats a huge work. Really...
my 2c.

Lic. Ignacio Sniechowski, MBA
Prosavic SRL
  (5411) 4542-6712
📱 (54911) 6749-4721

On Sat, Apr 29, 2017 at 7:53 PM, askoh [via Smalltalk] <[hidden email]> wrote:
We means all communities of Smalltalk environments. Pharo is of course the biggest, hence my post here first. I am verifying the soundness of the idea of SIB and then do a student project on it. I am from the VisualWork community. I look forward to porting freeCAD: 3D CAD with Motion Simulation to Pharo when it has 64bit version on Windows.

Aik-Siong Koh

Denis Kudriashov wrote
2017-04-29 19:00 GMT+02:00 askoh <[hidden email]>:

> We start out by embedding Chrome inside the IDE. Make them communicate
> well.
> We then port bit by bit to Smalltalk based on needs and priorities.

I am wondering, when you said "we" what you mean? Did you found team to
work on such project?

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Nacho Smalltalker apprentice. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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