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Re: Smalltalk Internet Browser

Posted by askoh on Apr 30, 2017; 8:37pm
URL: https://forum.world.st/Smalltalk-Internet-Browser-tp4944879p4944998.html

Yes. It is a novel way of remote desktop. Perhaps Craig can tell if it can do the following.
I want to go to a web page, select a body of text and have Smalltalk code analyze the text in some way and return the answer in the browser or in the Smalltalk app or file output. There should be two-way communication between app and browser. I would like to do live debugging too.

Aik-Siong Koh

<quote author="Eliot Miranda-2">
Hi Askoh,

   are you also aware of Snowglobe https://thiscontext.com/2016/10/31/app-streaming-with-snowglobe/ ?  This allows one to use a standard Smalltalk image running on the native Cog VM to render in a web browser.

_,,,^..^,,,_ (phone)