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Re: WG: Info on implementation limits

Posted by GLASS mailing list on Jul 12, 2017; 1:29pm
URL: https://forum.world.st/Info-on-implementation-limits-tp4954290p4954528.html

Thanks Christian. We'll let you know what we find out ...


On 7/12/17 2:37 AM, Christian Haider wrote:

(resent, because Google blocked the attachment)


Von: Christian Haider [[hidden email]]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. Juli 2017 09:53
An: '[hidden email]' [hidden email]
Cc: 'Dale Henrichs' [hidden email]
Betreff: AW: [Glass] Info on implementation limits


From replies off list, I heard, that big input files are not a problem. Good to know, thank you.


For the crash on the big method, I investigated and created an input file which reproduces the problem (attached as bigMethod.gs). The log is attached as well.

My theory was wrong. It seems not to be a problem with many literals in a method, but something else.

When I input the file in a Topaz shell (on windows), it works seamless and the method can be called.


  1. Login to topaz
  2. enter ‘output push c:\image\bigMethod.log’[CR]
  3. enter ‘input c:\image\bigMethod.gs’[CR]
  4. all fine!


But if I do the same with a batch file which uses the script loadBigMethod.tpz (attached),

The Topaz window opens, it stays there for about 10 seconds (the step 3 above took no time) and the crashes (Windows pops up with “the program does not work anymore…” or something like that (I have a German version).


Any idea?




Config data (running on Windows 10):

|    PROGRAM: topaz, Linear GemStone Interface (Remote Session)               |

|    VERSION: 3.3.5, Thu May  4 11:44:37 2017                                 |

|      BUILD: gss64_3_3_x_branch-41643                                        |

|  BUILT FOR: x86-64/Windows7                                                 |

|       MODE: 64 bit                                                          |

| RUNNING ON: 4-CPU haider-pc: Unknown CPU, Windows NT 6.2 build 9200         |



Von: Glass [[hidden email]] Im Auftrag von Dale Henrichs via Glass
Gesendet: Dienstag, 11. Juli 2017 18:20
An: [hidden email]
Betreff: Re: [Glass] Info on implementation limits



Could you send me the full topaz log file? We need that to understand what might be going on ...




On 7/11/17 1:07 AM, Christian Haider via Glass wrote:



are there any information about implementation limits of Gemstone Smalltalk?


Concrete issue:

I try to input a source file (2.1. MB – can this work?).

Topaz dies (Windows reports that Topaz is not working anymore…)

Last thing in the log file is a method with 743 literals – is this an issue?

My naïve theory: Gemstone (Topaz?) cannot compile the method, but dies without error.


Any ideas?





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