Tx for your nice article.
I hope you got success with Pharo.
> Oh! I like your approach..
> Let me quickly clarify my situation. In that section of the article, I was
> referring to my workplace. In my case, no one else in the dev department
> knows smalltalk. In a great many workplaces, devs don’t really want to learn
> a new language / framework without going off to a developer summer camp or
> something like that.
> I have found that once a developer gets to a certain level of competence,
> they can quickly (in a weekend?) get up to speed on the use of a new
> language / framework to get their project done.
> For a long time, I felt the sting of the “most popular language lists” as
> companies wanted to start all projects in PHP so that if the senior devs
> moved on, they could just hire some kids “cheap, just out of school” to work
> on the project.
> i do think there are lots of things about to change Pharo’s place in the
> world, especially the Pharo MOOC..
> there was one claim you made in that post that got me thinking
> ""No one else knows Smalltalk."
> So I wonder how many developers amount to "no one".
> ----
> peace,
> sergio
> photographer, journalist, visionary
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