+1 just call them class annotations. "annotation" itself already means "meta-information"What are class properties ?
MyClass propertyAt: #testKey put: #testValue
How do annotations relate to Magritte? I'm guessing Magritte descriptions are a specific kind of annotation already, right?
About #declaredInstances: you could do MySpecialAnnotation new in a playground… but that instance would not be attached to any class. I think the point of that query is to return the annotation instances that do come from an actual class with an actual method with the <classAnnotation> pragma.
BTW, what if the method with <classAnnotation> returns a different result each time?
--On 26 September 2017 at 03:11, Sean P. DeNigris <[hidden email]> wrote:Denis Kudriashov wrote
> Also I would like to thank Marcus who helps me realize this concept in
> Commander and Calypso which I start simplify with this library.
Embarrassingly, I'm not quite clear on what this all means so I'll be eager
to hear the results of the case study with Commander and Calypso!
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