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Re: Users of TDependencyQueries

Posted by CyrilFerlicot on Oct 10, 2017; 2:09pm
URL: https://forum.world.st/Users-of-TDependencyQueries-tp4980643p4980689.html

On Tue, Oct 10, 2017 at 4:00 PM, Anne Etien <[hidden email]> wrote:
> I don’t understand the end of the last sentence.

I mean that if we do that, it will be easier to implement new
FAMIXEntity and/or to adapt existing models to works with Moose-Query.

Also, if all FAMIXEntity does not use the Trait, we cannot
#queryAllIncomingAssociations in Tools manipulating FAMIXEntities
without the fear that it will break because one find of entity might
not use the Trait.

> Not so sure, because as it is currently done, FAMIXComment can not answer to method like queryAllIncomingAssociations, because it is not linked to other entities through any association just a container relationship that is not an association. It can be the case of other entities (I have no idea which one).

What is the problem if we ask the incoming association to an entity
that has none? Currently FAMIXType understand
#queryOutgoingInvocations but it will never return one since it is not
a Behavioural entity.

> Anne
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Cyril Ferlicot

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59650 Villeneuve d'ascq France
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