Re: Users of TDependencyQueries
Posted by
CyrilFerlicot on
Nov 06, 2017; 6:03pm
Le 06/11/2017 à 19:00, Anne Etien a écrit :
>> Le 6 nov. 2017 à 18:40, Cyril Ferlicot D. <
[hidden email]> a écrit :
>> Le 06/11/2017 à 18:36, Anne Etien a écrit :
>>> I don’t remember why. Perhaps it is a design error.
>>> I would have to make some test to have be sure. But no time to do it in
>>> the next two weeks at least or even more. Sorry.
>>> If you want, try to remove TMetaLevelDependencies in the traits used by
>>> TAssociationMetaLevelDependency.
>> Those are not only in TAssociationMetaLevelDependency but also in
>> TMetaLevelDependencies used by FAMIXEntity.
> Not understood the answer.
If we remove TMetaLevelDependencies from
TAssociationMetaLevelDependency, associations will still have
Or maybe I did not understood you last sentence on the previous mail.
> Anne
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