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Re: Why AnnotationInstance type is container?

Posted by Pavel Krivanek-3 on Jul 31, 2018; 5:29pm
URL: https://forum.world.st/Why-AnnotationInstance-type-is-container-tp5082367p5082385.html

2018-07-31 18:19 GMT+02:00 Cyril Ferlicot D. <[hidden email]>:
Le 31/07/2018 à 17:41, Tudor Girba a écrit :
> Hi,


> Actually, I am not sure what you are referring to.
> AnnotationInstance is not a Container. It is a SourcedEntity.
> AnnotationType is a Type.
> Can you detail what does not work for you?

I think he is talking about the container pragma defining the
containment tree used by Moose Query to find

yes, about the relations properties

> Cheers,
> Doru
> --
> www.feenk.com
> "Every now and then stop and ask yourself if the war you're fighting is the right one."
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