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Re: pharo 8 - method versions - how to see author/timestamp?

Posted by Noury Bouraqadi-2 on Feb 04, 2021; 5:46pm
URL: https://forum.world.st/pharo-8-method-versions-how-to-see-author-timestamp-tp5116685p5126795.html

+1 I'd like to see it fixed.
 It's broken since P8 and still pending in P9.

@everyone Please upvote it :-)


On Feb 4 2021, at 5:36 pm, Davide Varvello via Pharo-users <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Guys!
No news on this bug? It's really annoying I can't see the timestamp of a

Paul DeBruicker wrote
> Hi -
> Sometimes I want to revert to older versions of methods e.g. from an hour
> ago.
> In the "Recent versions of MyClass>>#myMethod" dialog no timestamps or
> authors are present.
> How do I see those?
> Thanks
> Paul

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