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Re: pharo 8 - method versions - how to see author/timestamp?

Posted by Esteban Lorenzano on Feb 05, 2021; 4:42pm
URL: https://forum.world.st/pharo-8-method-versions-how-to-see-author-timestamp-tp5116685p5126826.html


From what I see, indeed you are missing some concepts of what iceberg is and their relation with a package.

1) iceberg is a VCS for Pharo, a frontend for git.
2) an iceberg project stores packages and its versions (commits), but for that you have to add or create an iceberg project and add the packages you want to handle there. There is no automagical process.
3)  the "pharo" project there has what comes with pharo, not your packages. If you want to store your packages, you need your own project.

And well, that.
There are some videos around (no time to look for them now, but I am sure someone can point to them) explaining how to use it and make things with it.
But something to keep in mind, if you want to be happy with iceberg is: Iceberg is NOT ENVY, and it will never be. Its design and patterns are very different and require a different mindset to use it.


On Feb 5 2021, at 5:29 pm, Davide Varvello via Pharo-users <[hidden email]> wrote:
Anyway Esteban, it's for sure a limit of mine, but It's an hour I'm trying to
set up a local Iceberg for my package and I can't configure it.

Some issue I faced:
1) I opened Iceberg and saw "pharo" had "Local repository missing", I guess
there is a sort of default configuration so I tried to repair it. I ends
with: "Project location does not seems to be a valid git repository."
2) Then I double clicked on "pharo" and searched for my package, there
wasn't, so I added my package. Now the package is added but the local
repository is always missing and I don't know how to create a new one.

I wonder why there isn't a local repository by default when you create a

Esteban Lorenzano wrote
> indeed, it will fetch the history of each method that belongs to an
> iceberg repository.
> Esteban
> On Feb 5 2021, at 11:50 am, Davide Varvello via Pharo-users &lt;

> pharo-users@.pharo

> &gt; wrote:
>> Hi Esteban,
>> The "history" button in the minitoolbar of calypso is related to git,
>> right?
>> Because it's not shown in every method
>> Cheers
>> Davide
>> Esteban Lorenzano wrote
>> > Hi all,
>> >
>> > While the timestamp for the in-image change is, indeed, missing and
>> needs
>> > to be fixed, I want to point that we are abandoning the in-image author
>> > tracking by method and replacing it with the git history (which wive
>> you
>> > also authorship and timestamp by commit).
>> > This method commit history is already there (since Pharo 8) and can be
>> > queried with the "history" button in the minitoolbar of calypso, same
>> > place where you have the access to the version browser.
>> > Yes, it is not the same, but it fulfills correctly (and improves it,
>> since
>> > it gives you the whole method history, not just what you have in image)
>> > the old version functionality, which however will remain as a track of
>> > in-image changes, but without the author (since is not needed).
>> >
>> > Even more, all the Author infrastructure is target for removal in next
>> > versions of Pharo (just not right now :P)
>> > cheers!
>> > Esteban
>> >
>> > On Feb 5 2021, at 9:16 am, Richard Sargent &lt;
>> > richard.sargent@
>> > &gt; wrote:
>> >> Oh, yes/ That is one of the things I most love about ENVY and miss in
>> >> everything else.
>> >> What is the change history of this method, class, package, etc.?
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> On Thu, Feb 4, 2021 at 10:09 PM Kasper Osterbye &lt;
>> > kasper.osterbye@
>> > (mailto:
>> > kasper.osterbye@
>> > )&gt; wrote:
>> >> > I went in and updated the corresponding github issue
>> >> (https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo/issues/7283). The tool is
>> really
>> >> useful, and it would be nice to have the author and timestamp in place
>> >> again.
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >>
>> >>
>> --
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