the future of moose

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the future of moose

Tudor Girba-2

A project lives through the activity around it. There is a significant potential around Moose, both for research and for industry, but, to make it reality, we need to work together.

One challenge around Moose is to communicate what it does and who is it for. I want to reorganize and position Moose clearly. There is much confusion in the space of analysis tools, but Moose is different:
- First, Moose is a platform for software and data analysis with a distinct goal: to make crafting of analyses practical and affordable. This sets it apart from other tools that aim to provide one-click-analyses.
- Second, Moose has a philosophy behind: humane assessment. This approach provides an economical meaning to the goal of crafting custom analyses. We are first in this area, and I believe this part of software engineering will become important in the future.
- Third, Moose has a research philosophy, too: collaborative & tool-centric research:

The first step is to align the internal structure with the main message. I need help here. My intent is reflected in the abstract architecture described here:

The second step is to rebuild the web presence. I need help here, too.

The third step is to rebuild collaborations. The analysis space is large, and to make a meaningful impact we need to work (more) closely. This is a call for collaboration:
1. Be a client and use Moose to build your tools. And let us know how it goes.
2. Be a developer and develop the engines of Moose. We have some, but we need more :).
3. Be a documenter and help us document the usage of Moose. There is a ton of things to describe: from technical details, to how to use it in practical settings.
4. Be an evangelist and spread the word about Moose.
5. Surprise us :)



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