this just came on the #smalltalk channel .....

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this just came on the #smalltalk channel .....

Günther Schmidt
<rh>man ... this takes me forever to finish ... smalltalk is more productive? bah, not when you lack motivation
<isomer>just try it in java
<isomer>it's like having a personal trainer standing over your shoulder hitting you with a bat every time you try to do something nicely
<rh>well there's not much different between not writing smalltalk code and not writing java code, is there
<isomer>sure there is
<isomer>it feels better to not write java code
<rh>so actually smalltalk is worse in that respect
<isomer>i suppose so
<rh>i have to rethink this project then
<isomer>you mean that if you're not doing it, you might as well not do it in java so that you enjoy it more?
<rh>something like that

Had to share this with you guys
