threads using NativeBoost

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threads using NativeBoost

I'm to the point now where I want to try to call a library from
NativeBoost in its own thread. Has anyone tried this? are there are any
guidelines for threaded external libraries? Are there issues that would
make this more difficult?


Basically, I've got a mandelbrot set lib I'm playing with. It uses
doubles for its default rendering, which means a 1K x 1K image can
rander in .3 seconds. Evoking such a library would cause a rather
dramatic delay, but when I move to arbitrary precision libraries, where
drawing can take many seconds or even minutes/hours/days/weeks/etc, a
dramatic delay would turn into a completely frozen VM, which is why I
need to use threading. I only need one thread, but want to know if there
are issues that might bite me at unexpected moments.



Squeak from the very start (introduction to Squeak and Pharo Smalltalk for the (almost) complete and compleate beginner).